I would say I have a confession to make but I think I have already used that line and it sounds pretty lame on second read over.  So, I’ll get right to it….

I am fucking lazy!!!!  I can’t deny it.  Yes, I love to workout and do physically demanding activities but the truth is that I am mentally lazy.  There are times when digging into a document 3 files deep on my computer hard drive is too much work.  It is a small wonder that I have this blog up and running despite missing my publishing deadline last week.

So, how do I get past this laziness?  I am still working on that.  As a 34 year old employee with entrepreneurial aspirations I have obviously not totally figured it out.  What I do know about myself is that when I am feeling down and feeling like I will never achieve my dreams and goals the one thing that can break the negative cycle is forward motion.

My fitness gurus claim that if you just get your running shoes on and get out the door you will take the run.  Focus on doing the little things that make up the big goal, not the big goal all at once.  While laying in bed a 5 mile run can seem overwhelming as can getting a paycheck and thinking about replacing that paycheck.

I just spent 4 weeks spinning my wheels.  Yes I was semi-productive from time to time but I let myself get distracted.  I let the momentum grind to a halt and I found myself feeling sorry for myself.  Well Nate.. Snap the fuck out of it because that isn’t going to get you anywhere except for more of the same.

What I have accomplished is recording 8 episodes of The Teaching Your Child Podcast, publishing one and submitting to Itunes and updating Hootsuite.  So the ball is starting to roll now I just need to make sure it keeps picking up snow on the way down the mountain.

Until next time.