When you break triathlon training down to the basics you see that it is really nothing more than an astronomical amount of small steps. Each step builds on the last and eventually you have constructed a sizeable foundation from which you are able to sculpt a powerful contender. Or, at least that is how it is supposed to work.

A well thought out and executed training plan will spiral upward while pausing for breaks and plateaus but as in life it is also quite easy to fall off the wagon. It is easy to include drastic steps back in your training. A night out drinking or a string of restaurant indiscretions can easily lead to heavy legs or a surprising amount of extra weight around the mid section.

The key to avoiding many of these setbacks is discipline. Plain and simple your motivation will falter and you won’t feel like taking your long run after a stressful week or a night of fitful sleep. The truth of the matter is that everyone has the same 24 hours in a day and it is amazing to see how different people’s lives unfold.

The military overcomes because of discipline, businesses are built because of discipline, empires are formed because of dogged determination, focus and discipline. There is no room for hurt feelings or emotions when it comes to discipline. You make the decision once to chase whatever goal you may be after and you stick with that decision.

I have yet to officially carve out my triathlon training plan. I have made a few outlines and such and I have idea but for the most part I just know that I need to go long and I need to go slow. I can feel my last year or so behind a desk and my most recent injury and I realize that I am unfortunately not invincible. I wouldn’t say that I have officially learned the lesson of the middle ager but I do feel that it is time to start getting one step ahead of that lesson.

My discipline from here on out with regards to triathlon training and entrepreneurship is, no more steps backwards. As my grandfather used to say, “When the going gets tough, that is just the way we like it.”